๐Ÿ“ฑ 13 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition โ€” Material Design, buttons and OverflowBar

๐Ÿ“ฑ 13 / 100 Days Of Flutter, Kate's edition โ€” Material Design, buttons and OverflowBar

Hi, Hashnode community and welcome to day 13 of my Flutter challenge! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Today I started the MDC codelabs series. You can find all of them here: docs.flutter.dev/codelabs#designing-a-flutt..

Material Design

I've been using Material for the web but it's always good to refresh my knowledge and see this powerful design library from a different perspective.

While learning Material for Flutter, I discover cool new tools that I haven't used before. One of them is Material Theme Builder.

Flutter is integrated with Material Design very closely, and I've been using MaterialApp widget from day 1 of my journey. Today I looked into buttons specifically.


Material Design for Flutter comes with several button widgets:

Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 09.35.48.png

  • ElevatedButton - for primary CTAs (also known as RaisedButton)
  • OutlinedButton - for secondary CTAs
  • TextButton - for minor actions
  • FloatingActionButton - primary CTA button (usually circular icon) that floats above app content
  • IconButton - for tappable icons. There are some common implementations such as BackButton or CloseButton
  • DropdownButton - lets the user select from a number of items
  • PopupMenuButton - for dropdown menus

All of the widgets come with nice interactivity and with a handful of properties for customisation.

Widget of the day - OverflowBar

When we need to display multiple buttons in a row, the OverflowBar widget is a great helper.

It tries to display all its content in a row. If there is not enough space for that, it displays content in a column instead.

Below is my MDC-101 codelab with two buttons inside the OverflowBar.

Screenshot 2022-05-18 at 09.35.48.png


Today I enjoyed working with Material Design in Flutter. Much easier than animations! ๐Ÿ˜„ As Material 3 has been recently released there is a lot more to learn. Stay tuned!
