Hi, Hashnode community and welcome to day 3 of my Flutter challenge! 👋
Pet Name Generator
Today I finished my first app called “Pet Name Generator” which is a modified version of Google Codelab.
While building the app I learned:
- Everything in Flutter is a widget
- Widgets can be stateless or stateful
- There are a lot of great packages like
on pub.dev - Android Studio is a powerful beast with a lot of tricks and keyboard shortcuts
- State of my stateful widgets is lost on app restart so to make my app really useful I need some permanent storage (something to learn next!)
Discord + Slack communities
Hashnode is a nice place for my 100 Days Of Flutter blog, but I was missing something more active.
Today I introduced myself to Flutter Discord and Flutter Slack communities.
I'm @kalabro in both (and everywhere else on the internet) if you want to say hi 😃
Free Udacity course
An online course should be a great addition to my learning but I don't want to commit to some paid course or classroom before I know what exactly I need from it. So this free Udacity course from Google is a real gem for me.
Widget of the day
Everything in Flutter is a widget. In fact, there are so many of them that it will take some time for me to learn the most important ones. Inspired by “Widget of the week” channel, I'm going to have my own “Widget of the day” section in every upcoming post.
During these days, I've touched the surface of Flutter development. The next step is to finish the Udacity course and build something more useful than Pet Name Generator that loses all data on every app load 😅